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[[Left Margin]]
James Johnson Maj & Supt
Horace. C. Turner
Virginia Dept of
[[/Left Margin]]

L.R.T.33.2.Vol. 1866.
Endorsement on letter of Horace. C. Turner (to the President U.S.) applies for payment of his claims against the U.S. &c

Head Qrs Dept Va
Richmond Mar 8th/66
Respty referred to Col O Brown Asst Comr &c.
There being no officer of this Military Comm'd near the point referred to within, it is requested that this office of the Bureau nearest to that point be instructed to investigate and report upon this matter.   By Command of Maj Gen Terry
(Sgd) Ed. W. Smith Asst Adjt Genl

Bureau R F & A L
Head Qrs Asst Com'r St. Va
Richmond Mar 9th 1866.
Respty referred to Maj James Johnson Supt 10th Dist. for compliance with the endorsement of the Maj Genl Commanding.
By order of Col. O. Brown
James A Bates Act Asst Adj't Genl

[[Left Margin]]
S. C. Armstrong Supt 9th Dist
M S. Reed Lt & Asst Supt
Grannis Packhard &Co
[[/Left Margin]]

L. R. W. 317.2.Vol 1866.
Endorsement on letter of Lieut M.S. Reed asst supt. transmitting claims of freedmen for wages. against Grannis Packhard & Co Dismal Swamp Va.

Capt C.B. Wilder refers to Capt A.S. Flagg for such action as will insure payment.

Office Supt B.R.F.& A.L.
1st Dist of Va
Norfolk mar 5th 1866
Respty returned to Capt C.B. Wilder a.q.m. & supt. through the office of the asst comr &c Richmond Va for information in regard to what part of the Dismal Swamp the parties to be proceeded against may be found. The Supt of 1st Dist is not informed of their location.   (Sgd) A.S. Flagg Capt & aqm &c


Bureau R F & A L
Head Qrs Asst Comr St Va
Richmond Mar 9th 1866

Respty referred to Genl S.C. Armstrong Supt 9th Dist for the information required by Capt A.S. Flagg a.q.m. & Supt 1st Dist.
By order of Col O Brown
James A. Bates Act Asst. Adj't Genl
[[Left Margin]]
Virginia Dept of
Thos. L. Alston
Bt Capt & Post Adj't
[[/Left Margin]]
L. R. A.37.2.Vol. 1866
Endorsement on letter of Thos. L. Alston Bvt Capt & Post Adj't. declines to furnish guard for Farmville.

Bureau R F & A L
Head Qrs Supt 2nd Dist
Petersburg Mar 4th 1866

Respty referred through Col. O. Brown asst comr &c to Maj Genl Terry Comdg Dept Va.
Serious trouble from exconfederate soldiers occurred in Farmville on Wednesday last.
The within is the result of our application on Thursday 1st inst for assistance to preserve good order, and quiet.
Daily reports received at this office from the officers in charge at Farmville. all state the necessity for a small detail of troops at that point. We would most respectfully request that if the detail called for cannot be furnished for the assistance of the officer as asst supt that they be sent to him as Pro Mar that he may be able to preserve that good order desired by us. where officers under our orders are stationed
Attention invited to letter and reports relative thereto. forwarded this date to asst com'r.
(Sgd) Stuart Barnes Capt & aqm

Bureau R F & A L
Head Qrs Asst Comr St Va
Richmond Mar 9th/66
Respty forwarded to Bvt Brig Genl E W Smith a.a. Genl Dept of Va
Official    (Sgd) O. Brown Col & asst Comr
James A. Bates act asst Adj Genl