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Chas Bensill
Isaiah Jones
Dennis Howard 
Johnson Wood (freedmen) 
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the month of September 1865, at which time I reported them on "Report of Persons &c hired" at $15, per month, for which they have been paid in full in November 30"/65.
Having learned from their statements, that they had been previously employed in the Qr Mr Dept. for which they had not been paid, I forwarded a statement of the case. on the 10th day of Sept 1865, a copy of which I have enclosed herewith - which proves that I not only, did not cheat and defraud the aforesaid teamsters, but rather done all I could to have them paid, not at $30, per month however, as I think that is an exorbitant price to pay them.

(Sgd.) Jas. McCarty Capt. 96 N.Y.V.

Office of Chief Qr Mr
Richmond Mar 8th/66

Respty returned to Col. O. Brown Asst Comr. after diligent inquiry, no information of the within named men can be obtained, beyond that given in endorsement of Capt. McCarty.
I see no way whereby these men can be paid by the Q.M. Dept as all the offices who could pay them are now out of the service.

(Sgd.) Wm L. James Col & Chf Qr M

Bureau RF & AL Head Qrs Asst Comr Ste Va
Richmond Mar 9/66

Respty returned to Col. W.L. James Chf Q M Dept. Va with the inquiry whether any way in open whereby these men may prosecute their claims.
(Sgd.) O. Brown Col & Asst Comr
Official James A. Bates Act Asst adj't GEnl

[[left margin]] H.S. Merrell Lieut & Supt 242 [[/left margin]]

S.R.M. 179.2.Vol. 1866 Rec'd Back Mar 9, 1866
Bureau R F & AL Office Supt 3d Dist
Richmond Mar 9"/ 66

Respty returned to Col. O. Brown asst comr Va to know if issues of rations to freedmen tilling land under lease, when they are unable to mature their 
crops without them, will be approved by the asst com by taking a lien upon their crops.
(Sgd.) H.S. Merrell Lt & Supt

Bureau RF & AL Head Qrs Asst Comr Ste Va
Richmond Mar 9"/66

Respty returned to Lt H.S. Merrell to know whether in his opinion "good reasons" exists for such issues 
By order of Col. O Brown
James A. Bates Act Asst adj't Gen'l

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George W Balloch Bvgt Col  C.S.V, &c
George W Eddy Capt C.S.V. 
Bvt Maj Genl Gregg 
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L.R.B.198 Rec'd Back Mar 9" 1866
Bureau RF & AL H'd Qrs Supt 7" Dist Va
Lynchburg Mar 8" 1866

Respty returned to Col. O. Brown asst com'r of Va Capt George W. Eddy C.S.V. made the original issue on ration returns approved by Bvt Maj  Gen'l Gregg to the Pro Marshal of Appomattox County who by an order of Genl Gregg issued to the citizens to be returned in kind as stated in accompanying vouchers.
(Sgd.) R.S. Lacy Capt aqm &c

[[left margin]] R S Lacy Capt a.q.m. &c  [[/left margin]]
Bureau R F. & A L 
Richmond Mar 10/66

Respty returned to Bvt Col Geo. W. Ballock C.S. Vols attention invited to endorsement of Capt R.S. Lacey aqm & Supt 7" Dist.
(Sgd.) O. Brown Col and Asst Com
Official James A. Bates Act Asst Adj't Genl

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Lt. F.J. Massey
Genl S.C. Armstron Supt &c
Second Auditor Treas Dept
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L.R.T. 35.2.Vol.1866
Endorsement on letter from Second Auditor Treasy Dept. Reports double payment to Lt. F.J. Massey Co. "B" 105, NY Vols &c &c
War Dept A.G.O.
Mar 5, 1866

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