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S.R.M.183.2. Vol 1866. Recd Back Mar 10th 1866

Virginia Dept of
H. S Merrell
Lt & Supt

Continuation of Endorsements on letter of Lieut H.S. Merrell Supt &c relative to a colored man named "Milton" confined in the Va Penitentiary.

Bureau RF & AL
Head Qrs Asst Com Ste Va
Richmond Mar 10th/66
Respty returned to Col O Brown asst com'r with the information that a personal interview with the authorities of the Penitentiary and the man "Milton" determines the fact that "Milton" was by trial in Amherst Co Va. when a slave of a man named "Mantibly" found guilty of "inciting negroes to revolt and confined in the penitentiary Aug 25 1861, under the laws of the state he was sentenced to be transported beyond the state, but this sentence was commuted by the Governor to hard labor on the public works for life"
The law provide that in case of such a sentence the slave should be sold and purchased by the state, the money going to his master. The slave thus became the property of the state. Free now of course, he is only held as a prisoner for life on the public works.
(Sgd) H. Neids Lt Col V.R.C.
Inspector BRF & AL Ste Va

Bureau RF & AL
Richmond Va Mar 11/66
Respty forwarded to Genl Smith AAG Dept Va with the request that the man Milton be set at liberty.
(Sgd) O Brown
Col & asst Comr
James A Bates
Act Asst Adj Genl
The first Endorsement was not recorded in this Book

War Dep Bureau &c
Hugh Morson

S.R.M.180.2. Vol.1866.    Rec'd Back Mar 10/66
Bureau RF & AL
Office Asst Supt Stafford Co
Stafford C.H. Mar 9th/66
Respty returned to Maj James Johnson Supt 10


Dist Va, with the information that I have no knowledge how or from whom Mr Morson rec'd his information with reference to contracts being valueless unless approved or confirmed by an officer of the Freedmens Bureau.
On or about the 3d of March Mr Morson called at my office to have two contracts between himself and Freedmen consummated and when informed that I had orders from the Asst Com'r of Bureau R.F. & A.L. Richmond Va to charge the sum of fifty cents on all contracts made under my supervision. He hesitated stating he had not the money with him to pay for them - but desired me to call at his house with the contracts.
I subsequently waited on Mr Morson at his residence, at which time he stated he had written to the War Department to know whether the Asst Com'r of the State had a right to levy this tax, and further stated that he would not sign the papers until he had received an answer to his communication. 
(Sgd) Hector Sears
Lt + Asst Supt

Bureau RF & AL
Head Qrs Asst Comr Ste Va
Richmond Mar 11th/66
Respty returned to Maj Genl O.O. Howard Com'r &c attention invited to Endorsement of Lt Hector Sears Asst Supt
(Sgd) O. Brown
Col + Asst Comr
James A. Bates
Act Asst Adj Genl
The first Endorsement being a mere reference was not recorded in this Book

War Dept Bureau &c
Rev Geo. H. Ray

L.R. R. 21.
Rec'd Back Mar 9th 1866
Bureau RF & AL
Head Qrs Asst Comr Ste Va
Richmond Mar 12th/66
Respty returned to Maj Genl O. O. Howard Com'r &c.
In the opinion of the Asst Comr this case is not one

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