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for decision, when made it will be the subject of a circular.
2d The power to levy upon and sell personal property in order to execute the judgements of the Freedmens Court, is necessarily implied in the existence of that tribunal. This should be done as nearly as possible after the mode provided in the code of the State. 

By order of Col. O. Brown Asst Com'r
James A Bates
Act Asst Adj't Genl
see L.B. Genl H No. 74

L.R.R.11.2d Vol 1866
Bureau R.F.& A.L. 
Head Qrs Asst Comr Ste Va.
Richmond Va Mch 21/66

A.S. Flagg
Capt. & A.Q.M. &c.
Martha L. Kellog
Respty referred to Capt. A.S. Flagg A.Q.M. & Supt. who will ascertain if the boy within referred to cannot be apprenticed.
By order of Col. O. Brown Asst Com'r
James A Bates

L.R. A.59. 2.Vol, 1866
Bureau R.F.& A.L.
Head Qrs. 9" Dist Va
Fort Monroe Va Mch 16"/66

S.C. Armstrong
Supt &c.
J.H. Remington
Capt & Asst Supt.
Mrs. Jordan
Respty forwarded it is suggested that as the county of Chas City is probably not in condition to support its paupers this transportation be granted and the within named parties be returned thereto when such provision shall be made.
(Sgd) S.C. Armstrong
Supt 9th Dist Va.

Bureau R.F.& A.L.
Head Qrs. Asst Com Ste Va.
Richmond Va. Mch 21/66

Respty returned to S.C. Armstrong Supt &c - disapproved.
These persons should be required to go to work. Mrs. Jordan is right in "not supporting these persons in idleness" If they are unable to labor, make application to the oversees of the poor, in writing, and if they refuse to care for the, let them refuse in writing. After such refusal is received the 

may be cared for by the agent of the Bureau.
But it is not desirable that they should be removed from the county.
By order of Col. O. Brown Asst Com'r
James A Bates
Act Asst Adj't Genl. 

Qr. Mr. Genl.
War Dept. Bureau &c.
L.R. M.103. -
Rec'd Back Mar 20/66
Chief Q.M. Office Dept Va.
Richmond Mar 20/66
W.A. Mac Nulty, Lt. & Asst Supt.
Chas. Bensill
Isiah Jones
Dennis Howard
Johnson Wood
Respty returned to Col. O. Brown Asst Com'r &c with the information that as all of the officers whose duty it was to render the necessary reports for the services of these men ae not an of service. I know of no way in which the claim can be prosecuted successfully.
(Sgd) Wm. S. James
Col. & Chf. Q. Mr.

Bureau R.F.& A.L.
Head Qrs. Asst Com. Ste. Va.
Richmond Mar 20/66
Respty forwarded to the Qr. Mr. Genl. thro' Maj Genl. Howard Commissioner &c. for information whether the within claims can be paid.
(Sgd) O. Brown Col. & Asst Com'r
James A Bates
Act. Asst Adj't Genl.

War Dept. Bureau & L.R.B. 196
Chas Brown
Rec'd Back Mar 22/66
Head Qrs. Dept of Va.
Richmond Mar 6"/66
Respty forwarded with the recommendation that an order be given for the restoration of this property.
(Sgd) Alfd H. Terry
Maj Genl. Com'd'g

Head Qrs
Mil Div of the Atlantic
Phila. Pa March 10"/66
Respty forwarded to the Adjutant Genl as the property in question appears to be in possession

Transcription Notes:
"a not an of service" should be "are now out of service"