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Hiram Herrington
see 3.Vol.1865. page 104}
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Not Entered
Rec'd Back Feb 6th/66
Hiram Herrington applies for restoration of property situated in Bolivar Jefferson Co Va.
See S.0.28.par.3. Feby 6th 1866

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G. W. Caine
[[/left margin]]

Not Entered)
G. W. Caine applies for restoration of lot of land in Hampton Va.
See S.O.28.par.4. Feb 6th 1866

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H. S. Merrell
Lt & Sup't

Rev Mr Stockwell

[[/left margin]]

Bureau RF & AL
Office Sup't 3rd Dist
Richmond Va Mch 23rd/66
Respty returned to Col. O. Brown asst com'r Va
This request was made in compliance with "letter of Instructions No.1." Hd qu asst com'r (to render him every possible assistance &c
The letter shows that the asst com'r has great confidence in the Rev'd Mr Stockwell.
The application is therefore forwarded entirely on his statement that the children will not again become a charge on the Gov't for the reason that they will be provided with comfortable and permanent homes.
(Sg't) H. S. Merrell
Lt & Sup't

Bureau RF & AL
Head Qu Asst Com'r St Va
Richmond Va Mch 25th/66
Respty returned to Lt H. S. Merrell sup't 3rd Dist
However much security the asst com'r may feel that the Freedmen entrusted to Mr Stockwell will be provided well for, he desires the District Sup't to keep proper documentary evidence on file that this matter will be properly attended to, and base his application thereon.
By order of Col. O. Brown
James A Bates
Act Asst Adjt Gen'l
Rec'd Back Mar 25th/66 & Filed
Transportation issued


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John Gammel
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Not Entered)
John Gammel applies for restoration of lot in town of Hampton Va.
See S.O.28.par.6. Feby 6th 1866

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R. R. Ritchie
see 3.Vol 1865 page 263}
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Rec'd Back Feb - 66
R. R. Ritchie petitions for restoration of his farm situated in York Co Va.
See S.O.30 par.1. Feb 8th 1866

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War Dept Bureau

W. Ropes & Co & others

B. B. Foster

Plume & Co
[[/left margin]]

War Dept
Bureau RF & AL
Washington Mar 12th/66
Respty referred to Col. O. Brown asst com'r Rich'd Va, for such information respecting this matter as is in his possession.
If the property is not under control of this Bureau please forward this paper to Maj Gen'l Terry with request for information.
By order of Maj Gen'l O. O. Howard
(Sg't) Wm Fowler
asst adjt Gen'l

War Dept
Bureau RF & AL
Washington Mch 13th/66
Respty referred to Col. O. Brown asst com'r Richmond Va to accompany papers of W. Ropes & Co et-al, creditors of Plume & Co forwarded MMarch 12th 1866
By order of Maj Gen'l O. O. Howard
Commissioner &c
(Sg't) Wm Fowler A.A.G

Bureau RF & AL
Head Qu Asst Com'r Va
Richmond Va Mch 23rd/66
Respty returned to Maj Gen'l O. O. Howard com'r &c
Enclosed please find a copy of the order turning over this property to the Dept of Negro Affairs for the use of contrabands. It is now in