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342  343

L.R. A. 69. 2d. Vol. 1866.
Bureau RF & AL
Head Qrs Asst Com'r Ste Va
Richmond Va Mch 25th 1866
S. C. ArmstrongSupt &c
J. H. Remington
Capt & Asst Supt in this case
Respty returned to Genl S. C. Armstrong Supt 9" Dist
The Bureau has no right to give transportation in this case
By order of Col. O. Brown Asst Com'r
Garrick Mallery
Lt Col & Inspt

L.R. 158. 2d. Vol. 1866.
Bureau RF & AL
Hd Qrs Asst Comr Ste Va
Richmond Va Mch 25/66
War Dept Bureau &c
A. S. Flagg Capt & AQM
Samuel Jeffries Capt. V.R.C. &c
Respty forwarded to Maj Genl O. O. Howard Comm'r - as my only reason for requesting that Captain Samuel Jeffries should be relieved was based upon the communication of Capt A. S. Flagg then forwarded, and as the latter officer makes the within retraction it appears that injustice has been done Capt Jeffries.
I therefore earnestly recommend that the order for his muster out be revoked and the he be reinstated in his former position.
(Sg'd.) O. Brown Col & Asst Com
Garrick Mallery
Lt Col & Inspt

L.R. B. 241. 2d. Vol. 1866.
Recd Back Mar 25th 1866
Bureau RF & AL
Hd Qrs Asst Comr Ste Va
Mch 26th/66
War Dept Bureau &c
Louis Ahrens Lt & Asst Supt
H Neide Lt Col & Inspt Gen
Respty returned to Maj Genl O. O. Howard Comr whose attention is invited to the accompanying report of of Lt. Col. H. Neide Inspector, with the request that a suitable officer may be ordered to report to the Asst Commissioner for the purpose of relieving Lt. Louis Ahrens
(Sg'd.) O. Brown Col & Asst Comr
Garrick Mallery
Lt Col Inspector
see copy of Col Neide's Report - filed

L.R. B. 260. 2d. Vol. 1866.
Recd Back Mar - 66
Bureau RF & AL
Head Qrs Asst Com Ste Va
Richmond Va Mch 25th/66
Stuart Barnes Capt & A.Q.M. &c 
Stephen Y. Hudson  Moses Slate  Jacob Tucker  Wm Jordan 
Peter Corden  Guy Johnson  Champ Terry  Joe Kent  } Freedmen
Susan McGregor (Freedwoman)
Jas McMullen (White)
Michael Kearney (White)
Respty returned to Capt Stuart Barnes A.Q.M. & Supt 2d Dist. The within cases will be turned over to the State Authorities for trial.
By order of Col O Brown Asst Com'r
Garrick Mallery Lt Col & Insptr
The first endorsement being a mere reference was not recorded in this Book.

L.R. R. 26. 2d. Vol. 1866.
Rec'd Back Mch 26th 1866
Bureau RF & AL
Oak Grove Hospital
Petersburg Va Mch 22d/66
Virginia Dept of
Thos Rushmore
Respty returned with the following information.
In obedience to received from the Supt of the 2d Dist State Va B.R.F. & A.L. dated Feby 17" 1866 immediately proceeded to select a situation for a small pox Hospital. I consulted with Dr. Conch Chairman of the Board of Health for this city and after careful investigation we selected the spot now occupied - chiefly on account of its isolation.
I understand the Hospital to be upon land owned by a Mr May and we have his agents permission to occupy the ground for the above mentioned purpose - in my opinion Mr  Rushmore's family are in no more danger in consequence of the proximity of this Hospital to his residence than if it were a half mile farther away.
(Sg'd.) J. F. Pratt
A.A. Surg U.S.A.
Petersburg Mch 22d/66
"I am the Health Officer of the City of Petersburg and have held that position for the last fifteen years - our Pest House was located on the Poor House Farm until destroyed by the Troops located around the city after its evacuation. In assisting Surgeon Pratt

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-11 15:53:06 corrections made, all transcribed - pls review