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MONTHLY REPORT of   , Assistant Commissioner of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, for the State of   , 
of Abandoned or Confiscated Lands in his possession the State of   , during the month ending   , 186 .

[[14 Columned Table]]
| Name of Former Owner. | Location. County or Parish. | Location Other Boundaries. | Alterations Since Last Report. Gained. Date. | Alterations Since Last Report. Gained. How. | Alterations Since Last Report. Lost. Date. 1865 | Alterations Since Last Report. Lost. How. | How Held, (Abandoned Or Confiscated.) | Description. Cultivated. | Description. Acres Uncultivated. Acres Woodland. | Description. Acres Uncultivated. Acres Cleared. | Description. Total No. Acres. Lots. | Description. Buildings. | Remarks. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
Seventh District, Captain Lacey, Supt.
| Miller W. D. | Campbell | City of Lynchburg 12th St |   |   | Nov 6th. | Surrendered to owner by order of Asst Comr |Temporarily |   |   |   |   | Two buildings - Tobacco factory - one brick and one wooden | Inmates removed to public barracks |  
| Clayton James | Campbell | City of Lynchburg 12th St |   |   | Nov 6th. | Surrendered to owner by order of Asst Comr | Temporarily |   |   |   |   | One brick building | Inmates removed to public barracks |   
| Confederate States Govt | Campbell | Lynchburg, head of Church St |   |   | Nov 6 | Turned over to Military | Confiscated |   |   |   |   | One Bakery and fixtures 100 x 20 feet. |   |   
| Confederate States Govt | Campbell | Lynchburg, at Camp Davis | Nov 6th. | Turned over by Military | X |   | Confiscated |   |   |   |   | Five large barracks 100 x 20 feet | Badly out of repair.  | 
| County of Appromattox | Appromattox | Appromattox C.H. |   |   |   |   | Temporarily |   |   |   |   | Six buildings known as County poor house | 35 inmates none self supporting | 
| Confed. States Govt. | Bedford | Liberty |   |   |   |   | Confiscated |   |   |   |   | Four Barracks erected as Hospital Hay Houses 20 x 20 | 72 inmates none self supporting | 
| Clemens - of Lynchburg | Campbell | Campbell C.H. |   |   |   | Returned to Authorities | Temporarily |   |   |   |   | One large wooden build'g |   |
| Confed. Govt - | Pittsylvania | Danville |   |   |   |   | Confiscated |   |   |   |   | Four buildings 100 ft long erected as Hospitals 4 single bldgs 100 feet long | 94 Inmates none self supporting. |
| County of Nelson | Nelson | Lovingston |   |   |   | Returned to Authorities | Temporarily |   |   |   |   | One Academy Building | Vacated. |

Transcription Notes:
5/5 - fully transcribed - pls review ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-05 16:42:39