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Monthly Report of Bvt. Brig. Genl. O. Brown, Assistant Commissioner of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, for the State of Virginia, of Abandoned or Confiscated Lands in his possession in the State of Virginia, during the month ending 30th. April, 1866.

[[14 Columned Table]]
| Name of Former Owner. | Location. County or Parish. | Location. Other Boundaries. | Alterations Since Last Report. Gained. Date. 1866 | Alterations Since Last Report. Gained. How. | Alterations Since Last Report. Lost. Date. | Alterations Since Last Report. Lost. How. | How Held, (Abandoned or Confiscated.) | Description. Cultivated. | Description. Acres Uncultivated. Acres Woodland. | Description. Acres Uncultivated. Acres cleared. | Description. Total No. Acres. | Description. Buildings. |  Remarks. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 
Head Quarters, Assistant Commissioner 
| Confederate Government | Henrico | On bluff foot of Broad Street formerly known as Chimborazo Hospital. | April | 84 buildings received from Lieut H. S. Merrell, A.A.Q.M. Supt. 3rd. District. | April | 80 buildings sold at Auction. | Confiscated |   |   |   |   | Frame Barrack Buildings | Accounted for on Return of Bureau Stores for the Month of April 1866.
First District, Capt A. S. Flagg, A.Q.M. & Supt.
| Decomas Mary E. | Norfolk | 28 Cumberland Street | √ |   | April 21, 1866 | By Order of Col. O. Brown | Abandoned |   |   |   |   | Frame Building |   |   
| Decomas Mary E. | Norfolk | 26 Cumberland Street | √ |   | April 21, 1866 | By Order of Col. O. Brown | Abandoned |   |   |   |   | Frame Building |   |  
| Decomas Mary E. | Norfolk | 33 Cumberland Street | √  |   | April 21, 1866 | By Order of Col. O. Brown | Abandoned |   |   |   |   | Frame Building |   |   
| Decomas Mary E. | Norfolk | 37 Cumberland Street | √  |   | April 21, 1866 | By Order of Col. O. Brown | Abandoned |   |   |   |   | Frame Building |   |   
| Jeffrey Mrs. Ann | Norfolk | 29 Catherine Street | √ |   | Apr. 13. | By Order of Col. O. Brown | Abandoned |   |   |   |   | Frame Building | Restored as property of R. W. Jeffries & others |   
| Cox Leonard Estate | Norfolk | Cor. Crawford and Queen | √ |   | Apr. 26 | By Order of Col. O. Brown | Abandoned |   |   |   |   | Frame Building | Restored as property of John Emmerson & others |   
| Fletcher Dr. Corbin D. | Accomac | One 17 M, one 18 M, North of C.H. | √ |   | Apr. 3 | By Order of Col. O. Brown | Abandoned |   |   |   | 384 | Frame Building |   |     
| Total number of acres restored in Accomac County |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | - | - | - | 384 |   |   |
| Bailey Margaret S. | Northampton | One 14 M. North, one 15 M. N.E. of C.H. | √ |   | Apr. 6 | By Order of Col. O. Brown | Abandoned |   |   |   | 1190 | Frame Building |   |  
| Ken Heber | Northampton | 12 Miles North of Court House | √ |   | Apr. 25 | By Order of Col. O. Brown | Abandoned |   |   |   | 132 | Frame Building |   |  
| Total number of Acres restored in Northampton County |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | - | - | - | 1322 |   |   | 
Second District, Capt S. Barnes, A.Q.M & Supt.
| Job A. Talmadge | Dinwiddie | Near Poplar Spring Church | √ |   | April 26, 1866. | Restored by virtue S.O. No. 69, Hd. Qrs. ASst. Comr. Va. | Abandoned | 25 | 50 | 200 | 275 | 1 Dwlg. house & Govt bldg's | See Back of Report | 
| T. Branch | Dinwiddie | Village of Lawrenceville | √ |   | April 23d. | Restored by virtue S.O. No. 67 Hd. Qrs. Asst Comr Va, 23rd. April | Abandoned |   |   |   |   | Old Tavern | Used formerly as Confed Store house |    
| Richard Epps | Pr. George | City Point, 500 Ft. Wharf | √ |   | Mar 28 | turned over to Qr. Mrs. Dept. by endorsement from Off Asst. Comr. |   |   |   |   |   |   |  
| McIlvaine & Co. | Pr. George | City Point, 100 Ft. Wharf | √ |   |   | turned over to Qr. Mrs. Dept. by endorsement from Off Asst. Comr. |   |   |   |   |   |   |   
| Proctor & Comer | Pr. George | City Point, 100 Ft. Wharf | √ |   |   | turned over to Qr. Mrs. Dept. by endorsement from Off Asst. Comr. |   |   |   |   |   |   | 
| Wm. G. Birchett | Pr. George | City Point, 200 Ft. Wharf. | √ |   |   | turned over to Qr. Mrs. Dept. by endorsement from Off Asst. Comr. |   |   |   |   |   |   |   
| C. Proctor | Pr. George | City Point, 200 Ft Wharf.  | √ |   |   | turned over to Qr. Mrs. Dept. by endorsement from Off Asst. Comr. |   |   |   |   |   |   |  
| Total number of acres restored in Dinwiddie County |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 25 | 50 | 200 | 275 |   |   |  
Lieut H. S. Merrell, Superintendent.
| Unknown | Henrico | On Bluff foot of Broad Street formerly known as Chimborazo Hospital | April | 3 Buildings turned over by Military Authorities. | April. | 84 Buildings Transferred to Capt. Geo. Q. White, Chief Qr. Mr. B.R.F. & A.L. |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-10 09:18:14 Pls read instructions - page completed with very little transcribed, pls use [[?]] if word not known and not [unsure], this is now fully transcribed as of 5/9 - pls review -------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-10 12:20:08 Completed quite a few cells that were missing their text. Incorrect pipe placement and missing pipes corrected--table now aligns correctly. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-10 14:00:53