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Hampton Elizabeth Co Va  March 13 1866.

To General Armstrong
Superintendent of Freedmen &c &c

The Petition of Mrs. Frances Armistead of said Court 
Respectfully represents

That she was until the 16 of November 1865 the owner in fee of a lot of land in the town of Hampton in said County situated on the South West corner of the intersection of Back Street with the Street leading from the wharf to the Courthouse

That on that day she conveyed by deed a portion of said lot to one Charles Blivins

Your petitioner resided in the town of Hampton for many years previous to the late rebellion and occupied the said lot as her residence she has not been out of this county for several years before during or since the said rebellion   Her residence on said lot, was destroyed in the Conflagration of Hampton in 1861   Previous to June 1865 she rented a portion of the said lot to a freedman by name of Banks who is now living on the same and paid her rent up to that time   While your petitioner was so residing in said County within 5 miles of the Town of Hampton the said lot was improperly entered on the books of the Freedmans bureau as she has been informed some time about the month of June 1865 and said Banks has refused from that time to the present to pay her rent for the same as he had therefore done and has refused altho often requested so to do to vacate the said premises and is not interfering with said Blivins in his occupancy of the portion of said lot which your petitioner conveyed him as aforesaid