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[[left margin note]] 2.B.381.
No EB. P91 [[/left margin note]]

H'd Q'rs Asst Com'r &c
Bureau R F and A L 
Richmond Va
22d September/65. 

Respectfully returned to Captain A S Flagg A Q M and Supt &c for evidence that the applicant does not come within the exceptions of Prest Johnson's Proclamation of 29th May 1865 - 
By order of Col O Brown 
H B Scott
Lt Col and Asst Comr

Office Supt R.F & A.L. 1st Dist Va. 
Norfolk Va Sept 21st 1865

Respectfully returned to Mr. Johnston for additional papers as pr. endorsement of Col Brown
A.S. Flagg Capt. &c.
[[note]] A B 208 [[/note]]
R.O.S. 9.24.65.  Fd. 9.26.65
See 91. EB [[92?]]

Rec'd H'd Q'rs Asst Com'r &c 22 Sept/65

Transcription Notes:
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