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PROVOST COURT [[strikethrough]]
Department of Virginia and North Carolina. [[strikethrough]]

July 10th 1865

To Lieut Jno H Keatley
Asst. Super't Freedmen

Sir -
George Blow Sr. A Resident of the County of Sussex in the state of Virginia Respectfully represents: That He is the Owner of a Brick Tenement situate on the west side of Market Square in the city of Norfolk, number 14 and also a lot of land in the Town of Portsmouth Va. situate at the corner of Crawford and London  Streets, and running down to the water including sundry small Buildings thereon.
That Your Petitioner is not nor has been for Years past a Resident of Norfolk or Portsmouth. But before and at the Commencement of the war resided on his farm in the County of Sussex. That his property as aforesaid, has been under the control and management of a regularly constituted agent. And at the time

Transcription Notes:
A Reviewer has missed the mistake [strike through]. Also fixed the street name. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-04 21:33:57