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Petersburg August 23, 1865
Col. O. Brown, Asst Commissioner
Freedmens Bureau. State of Virginia

On the occupation of this City last April by the Federal forces Seven stores on Old Street, besides other stores and dwellings belonging to Robert B. Bolling, were taken possession of for Government purposes. Sometime in May I made application to Genl Hartsuff, then in Command of this Department, for the restoration of such of the property thus taken possession of, as the Government could do without. The Genl directed that as soon as the abandoned goods, then in stores Nos. 12, 16 & 18, were disposed of, that the stores should be turned over to the owner. In a few days Capt McIntyre, who had charge of the stores, delivered possession of Nos. 16 & 18 but before all the goods were removed from No. 12, he received an appointment as Treasury Agent,and was directed by Col. Loomis Treasury Agent at Richmond to retain possession of this store until he could get a more suitable place for his business. This store continued to be used by the Government until a short time since, when it was turned over to Capt Barnes Agent of the Freedmen's Bureau; at which time the owner had received a general amnesty and pardon. Captain Barnes, on the 18th July last, took possession of the stores above mentioned Nos 16 & 18, and store No 10 then in the occupancy of Sturdivant Hart Gee & Co, and still retains possession of them.
Mr. Bolling received a general amnesty and pardon from President Johnson, dated 21 July 1865. None of this property was abandoned or confiscated or libeled and I now, as the Agent of Mr. Bolling, who resides in the County of Fauquier and by whom I am directed to make this application, respectfully request that the property belonging to Mr. Bolling, now under the control of Capt. Barnes may be restored to my possession. Our citizens are prevented from engaging in business for the want of stores.
Very respectfully,
Your Obt. Servt
John Mann Agt.
of Ro B Bolling

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