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Your Petitioner Anne E has rendered no aid whatever to those lately engaged in arms against the United States while for a time [[strikethrough]] in the said [[/strikethrough]] Your Petitioner Edmund Bradford was in the employment of the Confederate Government.

On the 4th March 1863 the farm was seized by order of Major Gen Dix then Commanding this Department and transferred to Col Brown Supt of Contrabands and by him held and cultivated since that time.  Your Petitioner Edmund Bradford alleges that on the 9th May 1862, at which time he held no office whatever either under State or Confederate Government, he executed a deed conveying to Sally N. Tazewell sister of his said wife Anne E all his interest in the property which his wife had received from her father and his Estate including the property herein mentioned to be held by her in trust for the sole and separate use of his wife; this he considered an act of justice to her and he is advised that the said deed having been executed prior to any enactment of Congress authorizing the confiscation of land &c or seizure of property as abandoned, is valid to protect her interest against any claims of the United States therein as her sole and separate Estate and that the Trustee named in said deed acquired thereby a right to the possession of said real Estate herein mentioned and that when your female Petitioner

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