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I Edmund Bradford of the City of Norfolk in the State of Virginia for divers good causes and considerations me thereinto moving and of the sum of one dollar to me in hand paid Do give and grant unto Sally Tazewell of said City all my right title and interest in all the real and personal estate by me owned or in which I may have any interest in To have and to hold the same upon Trust for the sole use and benefit of my wife Anne E. Bradford and subject to her control and disposition as if she were a feme sole and to be disposed of managed and controlled as she may direct by deed or [[?]] or in any other mode and upon this further trust to allow her to receive and enjoy the profits of the said estate for her use and benefit and to do whatever she may think proper with said property as if she were a feme sole and the absolute owner without any let or hindrance from the said Sally Tazewell and without any personal responsibility or liability on the part of the said Sally Tazewell for the acts of my said wife in the control and management thereof all of which have been acquired by me through my marriage. 
In witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal this ninth day of 

Transcription Notes:
Hit save if not complete ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-05 08:28:40 "feme sole": legal term ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-05 14:04:39 corrected typos