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This Indenture made this 18th day of April 1861 between James Campbell of the one part William. N. McKenney of the second part and Susan W. Campbell, the wife of the said James Campbell of the third part. Witnesseth that the said James Campbell for and in consideration of his natural love and affection for the said Susan W. Campbell and being himself free from all debts and in consideration of the sum of five dollars to him in hand paid by the said William. N. McKenney at and before the unsealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged has granted bargained sold and conveyed and does hereby grant bargain sell and convey to the said William. N. McKenney his heirs and assigns forever with general warranty the following property to wit: all that certain lot or parcel of land with the buildings and improvements thereon, situated at the corner of Cumberland and Wolfe Streets in the City of Norfolk being the same that was purchased by said James Campbell from Harrison Robertson as Executor of H. Allmand Jr deceased as will appear by his deed bearing date the 3d day of December 1857 and duly recorded and to which reference is made for a detailed description of the said lot to have and to hold the above granted premises unto him the said William. N. McKenney his heirs and assigns forever. In trust however for the sole separate and exclusive benefit and advantage of the said Susan W. Campbell during her natural life, and after her death for the benefit of the children of the said James

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