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AD. 1862, leaving six children as his heirs at law. He was sixty one years of age. This applicant has been regularly appointed his Administrator by the County Court of Hyde County, NC. has given bond and duly qualified as such. 

He respectfully  asks a speedy restoration of this property as it is rapidly going to decay and he wishes to have it put in repair before the rainy season.

The windows are extensively broken- the gutters dilapidated, and the plastering falling down in consequence of leaks in the roofing. 

The undersigned certifies that none of the heirs at law of David Caiter Dec' are excluded from the benefits of the Proclamation of Amnesty, by coming within any of the fourteen excepted classes , and that he himself is an officer of the Provisional Government of North Carolina - Viz. Solicitor of the 2nd Judicial District duly commissioned and qualified.

The undersigned respectfully asks that notice of the restoration