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District of Virginia belonging to & owned by John K. Cooke.

127. United States.

All the right title interest and estate of John K. Cooke in and to all that House and lot situated on the North side of High Street in the City of Portsmouth District of Virginia bounded as follows to wit. On the East by the land of Samuel M. Wilson. on the North by the land of Mrs. Ann Maupin. On the West by the land of P.H. Cooke's Mrs. S.P. Rose & others. On the South by High Street on which it fronts Twenty four (24) feet more or less and runs back one hundred and thirteen (113) feet more or less to Mrs Maupins line. The above described property is now occupied by Robert Bowman Together with all the personal property goods wares &c of the said John K. Cooke in and upon said premises.

In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court at the City of Norfolk in said District this 1st day of December A.D. 1865

W.H. Barry Clerk
per R.C. Jones, Deputy