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An Indenture made and entered this first day of April eighteen hundred and fifty two. Between John T Frances special Commissioner as hereinafter mentioned of the first past and WW Davis of the second part witnesseth that whereas the said WW Davis purchased at a sale made by WW Sharp. Tazewell Taylor V Mordecai Cooke Commissioners appointed for that purpose by a decree pronounced by the Circuit Court of Norfolk City on the 12th day of June 1851 in the suit of Richard D Addington against Frances Addington and others three certain lots of land in Gosport herein particularly mentioned and described of which Joseph C Addington died. Seized for the sum of three hundred and sixty-eight dollars and in compliance with the decree of sale paid towards the purchase money to the said Commissioners the sum of Eleven dollars and thirty cents and for the balance amounting to three hundred and fifty six dollars and seventy cents executed his bond dated October 1st 1851 with seventy payable to this said Commissioners six months after the date thereof which said Bond was returned to the said Commissioners with the report of sale to the said Court and whereas by another decree pronounced in said cause on the nineteenth of December 1851 of was by the said Court further decreed that the sale so made by the said Commissioners should be confirmed and that the said WW Davis should deposit in the Norfolk Savings Institution, when the said Bond became the due and payable to the Credit of the said Cause the amount thereof to wit the sum of three hundred and fifty six dollars and seventy cents with interest thereon from the 1st day of October 1851-till deposited and that upon such deposit being on made the said Bond should be delivered to him by the Clerk of the Court and that thereupon the said John T Frances who was thereby appointed a special Commissioner for