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State of Virginia
Princess Anne County to wit
On this Eleventh day of October in the year 1865, personally appeared before one James E. Land a Justice of the Peace in and for the said County, Willoughby Dozier, a citizen of said County, and whom I certify to be a person of veracity, and credibility, who being duly sworn according to law doth declare and say that he does not come within any of the classes of exception enumerated in the Amnesty Proclamation of President Johnson, issued on 29th May 1865. Given under my hand and seal in my County aforesaid this 11th day of Oct 1865.
James E. Land J.P.

Transcription Notes:
I couldn't make flow of this page, but recognize that the document talks about an individual named James E. Land. Reopened for editing April 8, 2024 fixed