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Norfolk, Va Sept 12.. 1865

Enclosed you will find a deed of property belonging to me, consisting of two houses No 6 & 8 on Fenchurch St. You will also find copies of oaths taken by me. and a certificate from the clerk of the court. That my property has not been confiscated, I left Norfolk in Oct 1861, and remained in the Confederacy until May 1865. During the war not employed or paid by the Government my time being employed only in attending to the comfort of my family, my necessities at this time being great. I solicit my property be returned to me.
Agnes H. Elliott

Transcription Notes:
I had trouble finishing the transcript mid way through, but can see that she mentioned the day May 1865 later in the docuiment towards the bottom. The note is signed Agnes H. Elliott, and the document under is also a seperate page that has been mostly transcribed. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-09 09:42:36