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United States of America
United States District Court
District of Virginia, Clerks Office S.s.

At a regular Term of the United States District Court for the District of Virginia held at the Court Room in the City Hall in the City of Norfolk on Monday the 5 day of June One thousand Eight Hundred and sixty five.


Present the Honorable John C. Underwood. District Judge 

United States
All the right title and interest of Miers W. Fisher late of the County of Northampton in said District in and to the Deep Branch farm sometimes called Holly Brook situate in said County containing 419 acres more or less and bounded as follows to wit. -

North by the land of Margaret S. Read, Pamela Bayley's heirs and Edgar Speedy. East by the Seaside County Road South  by the Cross Road leading to the Bayside County Road and West by the Bayside County Road and the land of Robert S. Castin. Being same conveyed to said Fisher by Deed of John Simpkins Sr Dec'r. 13, 1852.

On motion of L.H. Chandler United States District Attorney for and in behalf of the United States (The Costs being paid.) It is ordered by the Court that the Libel and all proceedings

Transcription Notes:
Unclear is it says at or as.