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Norfolk 12th Sept 1865

Chas. E. Johnston Esqr.
Asst Supt. Bureau of F & R
I Respt ask that the leasehold property No 66 W Water St. with steam Engine, Saw Mill, planeing machines Marine Railway - with other machinery tools, fixtures & materials includeing Blocks falls screws &c which was taken possession of on or about the 10th of May 1862 and held and used by the Q.M. Department untill on or about, the 1st of this month, when it was turned over to your Dept, May be restored to me that I may be enabled to pursue my usual vocation.
This application is made in accordance with Order of the president of the United States; enclosed please find papers in accordance with said Order
Respt Your Obt Servt
Wm A Graves

Transcription Notes:
4.8.2024 - Transcribed per guidelines (spelling transcribed as is) and marking for review