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left all my said property in Norfolk and Norfolk County, in charge of my brother and agent W'm. I. Hardy, then and now a resident of said city - who continued to manage it, until it was taken possession of by the Authorities of the United States, sometime in the year 1863, as he is informed, and still hold it, as abandoned property, as he has heard -

That during this time he continued to reside at Granville County, and was unable to get permission to visit Norfolk until the Peace, when in June 1865, he returned to Norfolk, and took the oath of Allegiance, as will appear by the certificate of the Clerk of the District Court of the United States, [[?]] appended, marked. C.-

That no proceedings in the Court of the United States, nor on any Court, have been commenced for the confiscation of his said property (or for any other purpose or object), as is shown by the certificate of the said clerk of the Court of the United States, [[?]] appended and marked D.

That your Petitioner is now on a sixty five years of age, and has at no time been connected with the government or army of the confederates, so called, in any offices station or business, but that his property having been intended or of the value of $20,000 and or a, he applied for and obtained a pardon from the President of the United States, dated the 13th of November 1865, which he now offers to revisit[?] it for your inspection - 

And having fully complied, with all the legal requisition, he asks to have his said property returned to him, and thanks present[?] this [[petition?]] - Norfolk 5th Feby. 1866

Thomas A. Hardy