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Portsmouth Va Decr 21st 1865.

O O. Howard
Maj: Genl Commissioner of Refugees. Freedmen & Abandoned Lands.

Prior to the War and now I was and Am the owner of the following property in the City of Portsmouth State of Virginia to wit: "All that certain lot piece or parcel of land with the appurtenances thereon, lying and being in the City of Portsmouth: Beginning on the North side of County Street one hundred and thirty five feet West of the North West Corner of Dinwiddie and County Streets, thence running West along County Street forty five feet thence North one hundred and thirteen feet, thence East forty five feet to B. O. Neills lot and thence along said B. O. Neills line South One hundred and thirteen feet to the beginning. Reference is made to Exhibit marked (A)
I have taken the oath of Allegiance under the Presidents proclamation of the 29th day of May 1865 and I do not come under any of the excepted clauses therein contained nor do I own property to the amount or value of $20000. I am a loyal Citizen and pray the restoration of Said property. Please find enclosed. Amnesty Proclamation marked (B) and other certificates,
And your Petitioner will ever pray.

Wm R. Hanrahan

Sworn to and subscribed before me a Notary Public for the City of Portsmouth this 21st day of December A.D. 1865.

V. O. Cassell.
Notary Public.

[[image]] 5 cents INTER REVENUE CERTIFICATE stamp [[/image]]

Transcription Notes:
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