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I, Henry M Bowden Clerk of the Court of the Corporation of the City of Norfolk, and State of Virginia Do certify that there are on the records in this Court the following discribed deeds, viz; A deed dated the 23d day of December 1850, from John C Weston and Jane T his wife and John Parks of the first part, Conveying to Charles Harris of the second part the fee simple of an undivided two thirds of a lot of land formerly owned by Marshall Parks Senior and Situated on the east side of Talbot Street in this City between the land formerly owned by the heirs of J Vanholt and the land on which the Gun House of the Norfolk Artillery Blues now stand; Also a deed dated the 15th day of January 1851 from Sylvanus Hartshorn and Deidamia his wife of the first part, Conveying to Charles Harris of the Second part the remaining undivided one third of the aforesaid lot of land formerly owned by Marshall Parks Sr; Also a deed dated the 14th day of April 1852 from Wm H Addington and Selia A his wife of the first part Conveying to Charles Harris of the Second part a lot of land on the West side of Addingtons lane in the City of Norfolk Va adjoining the east the lot of land hereinbefore described as having been Conveyed to the said Harris by John C Weston and Wife, John Parks and Sylvanus Hartshorn and Wife.

And I also certify that I have examined the records of this Court in regard to the above refered to Real Estate, and there appears to have been

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