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An Application of Messrs Hayes and Rowe for real estate &c
Gloucester County Octr 27th 1865

We Joel Hayes and Ed H Rowe partners trading under the firm of Hayes and Row hereby apply to the authorities of the United States for possession of their farm lying and being in the County of York situated on Cheeseman Creek near York River containing five hundred and nine acres (509 acres) with saw mill and appurtenances as also one carylogue [[carry-log]] taken for the use of the United States government which we hold their receipt for; we having taken the Oath of Allegiance and the amnesty oath in accordance with the regulations thereby required and the said Joel Hayes having received his pardon from the president of the United States under the amnesty proclamation and he the said Joel Hayes having signified his acceptance of the same with all the conditions therein specified the pardon bearing date on the 10th day of September 1865 and the conditions therein specified fully complied with, we now beg that the property above mentioned be restored and turned over to us; as also the rents or the contracts for rents due [[/strikethrough]] be also turned over to us, we beg leave to state that this property has never been abandoned by us; it is property that we never purchased with intention to live on, it was purchased for the purpose of gilling the timber up into lumber; which we were doing through Mr Robert Simmons our agent and partner in the steam saw mill, when the rebellion broke out; untill [[until]] the advance of the union army up the Peninsula, when the property was then taken within the union lines and the mill used for union purposes for a while, and then left in the possession of the said Robert Simmons and other persons some of whom were tenants paying rent to us the said Hayes and Rowe untill [[until]] the property was rented out by the freedmans agent at York Town under the circumstances we beg that the property as above stated be restored and this we ever pray.
Hayes and Rowe
by Joel Hayes

To  Capt C.B. Wilder AQM
Supt Bureau R.F. and A.L.
District No 9
Fortress Monroe

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-09 17:45:45 do sides need to be written in ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-09 18:26:06 Don't think sides need to be written in; pretty sure its bled through from previous page