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State of Virginia
Warwick County  
to wit 

Martha M. Haynes whose name is signed to the foregoing application, this day personally appeared before me and made oath to the truth and correctness of the facts there in set forth. Given under my hand this 14 day of November 1865.
Wm B. Jones Comr in Chg

State of Virginia
Warwick County  
to wit 

Thomas Curtis - this day personally appeared before me and made oath to the truth and correctness of the facts set forth in the foregoing application, signed by Martha M. Haynes. Given under my hand this 14th day of November A.D. 1865.
Wm B. Jones Comr in Chg

State of Virginia
Warwick County  
to wit. 

Ann. W. Harwood - This day appeared before me and made oath to the truth and correctness of the facts set forth in the foregoing application, signed by Martha M. Haynes. Given under my hand this 14th day of Novr. 1865.
Wm B. Jones Comr in Chg