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This Indenture made this 9th day of June Eighteen hundred and fifty eight between Wm. H. Foster and Jaculine his wife of the first part and Henry E Irby of the second part. All of the city of Norfolk Witnesseth that the said Wm H. Foster and Jaculine his wife for and in consideration of the sum of six hundred and fifty dollars to them in hand paid by the said Henry E. Irby before the delivery of these presents which is hereby acknowledged have granted bargained and sold and by these presents do grant bargain and sell unto the said Henry E. Irby his heirs and assigns all that certain lot piece or parcel of land with its appurtenances situate lying and being on Dartmouth Street in the City of Norfolk beginning at the Northeast corner of the land of Mrs Ann B. Taylor formerly Wilson, B. Tory's running Eastwardly twenty five feet to the land of Thomas Constable, thence Southwardly ninety feet to the land of Thomas Constable thence Westwardly twenty five feet to Mrs Taylors land and thence northwardly ninety feet to the  beginning: it being the same lot of land sold and conveyed to Daniel Culpepper by deed from Thomas Constable and wife bearing date the 22d day of May 1851 and sold and conveyed by said Culpepper to Wm.H. Foster by deed bearing date 19th day of April 1853 and duly recorded in the corporation courts of the city of Norfolk. To have and to hold the said described lot of land with its buildings and improvements unto him the said Henry E. Irby his heirs and assigns forever of them the said 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-10 13:13:15