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This day personally appears before Mr George Newton and William R Galt and made oath that they were well acquainted with Mrs Aaron Jeffrey of Norfolk City. That she was the owner of a house and lot no 29 situated on the east side of Catherine Street in said city. That she departed this life in the year 1861 leaving surviving her as her sole heir at law her sons Richard W Jeffrey and Aaron Jeffrey - that the said Aaron Jeffrey died in the year 1865 and that the widow and children of the said Aaron Jeffrey and the said Richard W Jeffrey are entitled to the said house and lot as heirs at law. I also certify that the said officiants are entitled to full faith and credit.

Given under my hand this 10th day of March 1866.

Wm R. Galt
George Newton

[[stamp]] Inter. Revenue 5 cents Certificate [[Stamp]]

Subscribed and sworn to before me that undersigned a Notary Public in and for the City of Norfolk Virginia the day & year above written.

Simon S. Stubbs
Notary Public

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-11 13:59:09