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Warwick County
October 2nd 1865

Capt. C. B Wilder
Supt. Freedmen to Peninsula


I beg leave most respectfully to submit for your consideration the following facts.  Upon the advance of the Federal Army upon the Peninsulas under Gen. McLellan, my mother Mary A. Jones (a widow) resided in the County of Warwick: that her farm was immediately between the lines of the converging armies: that the near location of a Federal Battery (being within 1/2 mile of her house) and the firing of the Federal sharpshooters, rendered it dangerous and entirely unsafe for her to remain at home. Under these circumstances of peril, she left her home for the interior of the Country, with the intention of returning as soon as it was prudent to do so. Being a helpless widow, she had neither the power or desire to do anything beyond protecting herself and family. It is obvious she did not abandon her home in the sense of the law.

My mother Mary A. Jones has since her removal from the County of Warwick, departed this life, leaving a last will & testament duly executed according to law, under which said last will & testament myself, together with my two nephews (who are infants of tender years, under the age of twenty one) are the sole legatees.

The land bequeathed under the last will and testament of my mother as aforesaid, is described in the receipt given your petition for the taxes paid on said land, by Samuel G. Bowden Esq, Collector of the Direct Taxes for this County as follows to cert:

Tract. No. 98. 225 acres_Bounded.&. by Wk River. W. Curtis Est, valued at $4500_Tract No. 99. 140 acres. Bounded & by his other land, W. Curtis. valued at $1680. Tract No. 701. 215 acres. Bounded N&S by I River & by his other land.-valued at $1290. which said receipt is dated the 21st day of September AD1865 a copy of

Transcription Notes:
Warwick County October 2nd 1865 Capt. C. B Wilder Supt. Freedmen to Peninsula Capt.