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letter S in the name of the Respondent Wm. S Jones and inserting therein instead the letter B, and it is farther ordered that the same be continued for republication and that an alias monition issue to the Marshal to execute
(only proceedings had in above case)

No. 158  United States
All the right title interest and estate of W S Jones in and to a certain track of land on farm (called Shelley)situate in Warwick County District of Virginia Containing 225 acres more or less and Bounded East by Warwick River West by land of Curtis. 

[[symbol]] On motion of L H Chandler Esq, United States

District Attorney, for and in behalf of Libellant it is ordered by the court that leave be given to amend Libel and papers herein by striking out the letter S in the name of the Respondent Wm S Jones and inserting therein "instead" the letter "B." and it is further ordered that the same be continued for the republication and that an alias monition issue to the Marshal to execute [[symbol]]
(only proceedings had in above case)

[[stamp]] Inter. Revenue 5 Cents Certificate [[/stamp]] 
In Testimony Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seal of said Court at the City of Norfolk in said District this 4" day of October A. D. 1865
W. H. Barry, Clerk.
per R C. Jones, Deputy

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-10 14:26:03 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-10 19:33:58