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Office of the Provost Marshal
Fort Monroe Va May 10th 1865

This is to certify that William S. Jones of Elizabeth City Co. Va. has taken and subscribed the following oath, set out in The Proclamation by the President of December 8th 1863. I do solemnly swear in presence of Almighty God that I will henceforth faithfully support protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and the Union of the States thereunder and that I will like manner abide by and faithfully support all acts of Congress passed during the existing rebellion with reference to slaves so long, and so far as not repealed, modified or held void by Congress or by decision of the Supreme Court and that I will in like manner abide by and faithfully support all proclamations of the President made during the existing rebellion, having reference to slaves, so long and so far as not modified or declared void by decision of the Supreme Court. So help me God

A. Gilchrist

Captain and Provost Marshal

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-10 13:43:30