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Treasury Department
July 19, 1865.

I have received your report, under date of July 18th instant, upon the application of Edward S. Joynes, formerly Professor in the College of William and Mary in Virginia, for the restoration of his estate in Accomack County, called Montpelier, now in your possession as Agent of the Treasury Department as Abandoned Property, said report enclosing original oaths of allegiance taken by the petitioner on the 30th of May and the 14th of June 1865, under the Proclamations of Amnesty, issued Dec. 8. 1863, and May 29 1865, respectively.

The petitioner in his application declares that he has never held any office, Civil or Military, under the 
so-called Confederate Government, or served it in any manner, except for a short time as a Clerk in one of the Departments in Richmond, nor is he properly included in any of the classes of persons excluded from the general pardon and amnesty offered in either of the above proclamations, but it appears by the Certificate of the Pardon Clerk in the office the Attorney General, that he has made application to the President for a special pardon, which has been favorably acted upon, and a requisition made upon the State Department for a warrant for the same,

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