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State of Virginia
York County } to Wit:

This is to certify that I am and have been for a number of years past personally acquainted with Frances H. Lee, a citizen of the County and State aforesaid. The said Frances. H. Lee has for a number of years resided in the County of York, on the old Homestead of his father, William Lee, situated about four and a half miles above York town, on the right of the main road leading to [[Wmsburg?]].

I would further certify that it has been always represented to me that the said farm is owned by the said Frances H. Lee, and his brother, William H. Lee, who resides in the Village of Stapleton, Richmond County, State of New York. I have never heard the title to this farm questioned by any one, it having been the residence of the Lee's for numbers of years.

I furthermore certify that Frances. H. Lee never, up to the time of the evacuation of the Peninsula by the Confederacy, had any connection with the so called Confederate Military, was never to my knowledge had any connection with any Military, or Civil organization, in hostility, or opposed in any way to the Government of the United States.

Signed by me this 23rd Day of November 1865.
Robt. H. Power, M.D.
Presiding Justice of York County. Virginia

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-11 12:01:46 changed "1965" to "1865" removed [[underlined]]