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abandoned property, and occupied at this time by one,  Moss, who is accountable as he alledges to the Govt. Your petitioner states, that she, nor any of her children, has never left the City of Norfolk since the beginning of the late rebellion, and are now loyal citizens of the Govt of the United States; and that however just the action of the Govt may have been in taking charge of this property as abandoned property and to have retained it up to the time of the death of said Baldry, that there can be, in the opinion of your petitioner, no good reason in witholding the same from these infant children; to whose comfort it would at this time, form so important an item. Your petitioner therefore prays, on their behalf that, the said House and lot may be restored to them, and the rents arising therefrom, since their right to the said property accrued paid over to them. Your petitioner files herewith the affidavit of John Holmes, proving the heirship of the said children and their title to the said home and lot.

Jane E Lewelling

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transcribe a word in full if it spans two pages. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-11 12:12:20