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This indenture made this 26th day of December in the year 1848 between John W Merwin and Maria G. Merwin his wife of the one part, and William A. Lowell of the other part; Witnesseth, that the said John W. Merwin and Maria G. his wife for and in consideration of the sum of Twenty four Hundred dollars, good and lawful money of the U. States, to them in hand paid by the said William A. Lowell at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge, and thereof acquit and forever discharge the said William A. Lowell, his heirs, executors & administrators by these presents have granted, bargained, sold, released and confirmed; and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell, release, and confirm unto the said William A. Lowell, and unto his heirs and assigns forever; a certain house and lot, piece or parcel of land; situated lying and being in the City of Norfolk  Bounded as follows to wit:  West by Church Street, North by lot of William Johnson, South by lot of Chas Johnson, East by lot of Ahern and Wm Johnson. Front twenty eight feet & six inches and running back one hundred and fifty feet. It being the same lot, piece or parcel of land purchased from Chas Johnson & wife as will more fully appear by reference to deed from the said Chas Johnson and wife to the said John W. Merwin, duly recorded in the Clerks office of the City of Norfolk, together with all the estate right, title interest, and property, claims & demand whatsoever of them the said John W. Merwin & Maria G. his wife, in law or equity or  

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