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State of Virginia}                        
City of Norfolk} S.S.

On this 29th day of September Eighteen hundred and sixty five before me the undersigned a Notary Public in and for the City of Norfolk in the State of Virginia, duly commissioned and qualified and authorized by the Comr of said state to administer oaths for general purposes in said City, peronally appeared James N. McAlpin, who, being first duly sworn, doth depose and say that he has read the President's Proclamation of the 29th day of May 1865, in which certain immunities and privileges are promised to those engaged in the late rebellion against the government of the United States, and excepting certain classes of Citizens particularly enumerated and set forth therein, and that the case of the said deponent does not come within any one of the said exceptions enumerated in the said proclamation as he verily believes.
Ja's N. McAlpin

Subscribed and sworn to before me the undersigned a Notary Public as afs'd this 29th day of Sept 1865.
Simon S. Stubbs
Notary Public

Transcription Notes:
Words with "." in the middle were split between lines and a period was placed after the first half of the word before continuing to the next line ------------------------- That is not the correct methodolgy. Type each paragraph otr section continually through, and allow the software to automatically insert line breaks. Original text that spans a line with a hyphen should be transcribed in full without any punctuation. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-11 16:22:43