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and Lot upon Church Street above Holt Street in the City of Norfolk which is also in possession of said Bureau. Your petitioner is advised that altho' the warehouse has never been in possession, of the Bureau A Release of the jurisdiction over it is necessary to entitle them to possession of it when the Quartermaster's Department vacates it as it is now about to do as they believe. 
Now that the War is ended and all of your Petitioners have submitted fully to the authority of the United States and taken and subscribed the Amnesty Oath - except the infants - as shown by the proofs herewith they are advised that under the General Order of the Bureau they are entitled to a restoration of the said property 
Your Petitioners George W. McPhail and Robert Smith have always been avowed Union Men. 
None of the petitioners are within the exceptions of the Amnesty Proclamation of May 29, 1865 except John B McPhail He has never borne arms or held any office whatever under any Government but it may be that his taxable Estate is of the value of $20,000 for which reason he has applied for and obtained an Executive Pardon dated 31st July, 1865 and now exhibited which entitles