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This deed made the 30th day of July in the year 1859 between Elizabeth R. Curtis and Sarah L. Miner of the first part and Samuel. H. Miner of the second part, witnesseth: that in consideration of mutual love and affection and the further sum of one hundred dollars the said Elizabeth R. Curtis and Sara.h L. Miner do grant unto the said Samuel H. Miner the following property to wit:
One fourth part of that land laying in that portion of Warwick Co called Mulberry Island and know as Liberty Hall supposed to contain about eight hundred acres, and bounded as follows to wit. On the north by the lands of B. W. & G. K. Green & the estate of Carter Crafford decd. on the east by Warwick river  On the south by the lands of H. H. Curtis Sr and Wm S Jones estate  On the west by the lands of the estates of Carter Crafford and Wm S Jones  It being the same land on which H. Harwood Sen decd recently resided who died seized and possessed of said land which descended from the said H Harwood Snr: to said Elizabeth R. Curtis and Sarah L. Miner, and also the following slaves seven in number to wit: Abraham, Robin Chisman, Ola Jack, Frankey & child Patty & Venus, and the said parties of the first part hereby covenant that they will warrant generally the property hereby conveyed

witness the following signatures and seals

Elizabeth. R. Curtis {Seal}
Sarah. L. Miner {Seal}

R. C Wynne
N. Taylor Sr

Transcription Notes:
Phrase "mutual love and affection" is repeated on page 57 in Reference for Names ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-12 15:05:56 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-12 15:33:54 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-12 15:44:16