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said Margaret Jarvis, her heirs executors, administrators & assigns, that they & each of them, the said Richard H. Read & Margaret his wife & their & each of their heirs, will forever warrant & defend the said tract of land & its appurtenances & the title thereto, against the lawful claim or claims of all & every person or persons whomsoever.  In testimony whereof, the said Richard H. Read & Margaret his wife hereto set their hands & seals, the day & year first above written.

Richard H. Read {Seal}
Margaret D, Read {Seal}

Signed, sealed & delivered in presence of
Jno S. Parker
John H. Winder
Luther H. Read

Northampton County, Sct:
We John S. Parker & John H. Winder justices of the peace in & for said County in the state of Virginia, do herby certify, that Margaret Read the wife of Richard H. Read, parties to a certain deed bearing date on the 10th day of December A.D. 1838, & hereto annexed, personally appeared before us in our county aforesaid, & being examined by us privily and apart from her husband, & having the deed aforesaid fully explained to her, she the said Margaret Read acknowledged the same to be her act and deed, & declared that she had willingly signed, sealed & delivered the same & that she wished not to retract it.
Given under our hands and seals, this