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State of Va
City of Portsmouth S.S.

To - The agency of the Freedmen's Bureau, Norfolk, Va -

I George L. Neaville respectfully represent that I am the owneer [[owner]] in fee of a certain houses and lot in the city of Portsmouth situate in the part called New Town - on Fayette between Sixth and Seventh Sts

That said property has been turned over to the Freedmen's Bureau and had also been libelled by the U.S. but the proceedings vs the same have been dismissed as will appear from the certificate of the clerk of the U.S. District Court herewith filed. I further represent that I have taken the oath subscribed by the Presidents proclamation of May 29th 1865 - and also herewith filed and [[strikethrough]] have since been [[/strikethrough]] am loyal to the U.S. Government - That I am not embraced in any of the exceptions of the Presidents Proclamation of May 29th/65 - and herewith file my oath to that effect, and having complied with all the requirements for the restitution of all my existing rights prior to the Rebellion I pray to have restored to me my property above described and held by said

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-13 09:59:28 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-13 17:42:54