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United States of America
US District Court District of Virginia
Clerks Office Ss.

George W Parker being duly sworn deposes and says that he resides in the City of Norfolk, State of Virginia, that he fifty eight years of age.  That on the 28" day of April 1865 last past he took and subscribed the oath of allegiance to the United States which said oath was taken & subscribed before the then Acting Provost Marshal in the City of Norfolk that the Certificate given him by said Provost Marshal has been lost or mislaid and that he is at present unable to find out the whereabouts of the original [[?]] of said oath.  And he further swears that he has read the Proclamation of President Johnson dated May 29" 1865 and that he is not included in any of the excepted classes enumerated in said Proclamation.  

Sworn & subscribed to before me 
This 12" day of March AD 1866 

W H Barry

George W Parker