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[[right margin]] Thos C [[/right margin}]

come within either of the excepted classes as named in the proclamation of President Johnson;

That neither of said tracts or parcels of land is occupied for Hospital purposes, but that each and all of them, is rented out for the present year, as I am informed by Mr. Hartley, Treasury Agent on the E. Shore of Va and turned over by him to the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen &c.

Your petitioner asks that said lands may be restored to him and that he receive such other relief as justice and equity may demand.

Thos C. Parramore [[strikethrough]] Accomack [[/strikethrough]] Northampton 
County to wit
Personally appeared before me Luther J Nottingham a justice of the Peace for sd county Thos C. Parramore, who being duly sworn, makes oath that the facts set forth in the foregoing petition are true, to the best of his knowledge and belief. Given under my hand this the 4th day of D  1865  Luther Nottingham J.P. 

Inter. Revenue Certificate 5 5 5 5 Five Cents 

State of Virginia, Accomack County, to wit:
I, John W. Gillet, Clerk of the Court of said County, in the State aforesaid, certify, that it appears from the Records of said Court, now in my Office, that the above named Petitioner, Thomas C Parramore, is the fee simple owner of the three several tracts or parcels of land mentioned and described in his foregoing Petition. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, this 2nd day of November, A.D. 1865.
J. W. Gillet. C.A.C.

Inter. Revenue Certificate 5 5 5 5 Five Cents 

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