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Farmville Virginia,
May 6th 1865,
THE BEARER Priv. T.c. Parramore of Co. D 3d Regt., of Va Inf, a paroled prisoner of the Army of Northern Virginia has permission to go to his home, and there remain undisturbed.
Hubbard E Tuttle
Capt & Provost Marshall

Asst Provost Marshal's Office, District of Eastern Virginia,
Eastern Shore, Va., June 30th 1865.
This is to Certify, That Thomas C. Parramore aged 33 occupation Lawyer residence Accomac Co Va has taken and subscribed the OATH and PAROLE, required for a Loyal Citizen of the United States, residing in a State ever in rebellion, or who has sympathized with the Seceeding States.
Wm B Brokan
Capt and Asst Provost Marshal