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We Wm H Tabb and Samuel S. Peed to hereby certify that we are and have been for years intimately acquainted with the person & pecuniary circumstances of William W Peed, and were with him repeatedly in Charlotte N.C. during the war of the Rebellion, some times for months together, and that we do know that he is not embraced in either of the excepted classes in the President's Proclamation of 29th May 1865 excluding from amnesty pardon
Given under our hand this 13th day of December 1865 at Portsmouth Va.
Saml S Peed
Wm C. Tabb

State of Virginia
City of Portsmouth to wit: I, J.F. Crocker, notary public for the city aforesaid do certify that Saml. S Peed & WH Tabb where names are signed to the foregoing statements personally appeared before me & made oath that the statements made above are true. Given under my hand this 13th Dec. 1865
J.F. Crocker