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Petersburg Iron Works
Petersburg Va Sept 28th 1865

Capt Stuart Barnes
Supt Refugee Freedmen 
& Abandoned Lands &c

I respectfully submit to your favorable consideration the following statement of facts and ask for relief in such manner as your good judgment may dictate. Sometime in the year 1864 the agent of the so called Confederate States Government came to the shops of "The Petersburg Iron Works" located in this city & took therefrom and carried to Danville Va, contrary to the wishes and against the consent of that company, the following tools belonging to the Company, viz

1 large lathe for turning iron
1 small lathe for turning iron
1 steam hammer
1 large planer
1 small drill press

The Company never received or was promised even any consideration for these tools. We could not spare them and the action of the so called Confederate States agent was unwarrantable and oppressive.

Being at Danville Va at the time of the surrender of Lee and Johnstons armies they were taken possession of by the agent of the Unites States Government and removed to Norfolk Va where it is understood they were transferred and turned