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State of Virginia, Norfolk County to wit. 
I LeRoy. G. Edwards clerk of the County Court of Norfolk County State of Virginia aforesaid, hereby certify that a certain tract of land situated near the Fair Ground in the County of Norfolk containing one hundred acres more or less and known as "Oak Hall" is the property of James G Pollard as appears from the record of said office. 

In testimony hereto, I have set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court this 20th day of September 1865 in the 90th year of the Commonwealth. 

LeRoy G. Edwards

I Henry M. Bowden Clerk of the Court of the Corporation of the City of Norfolk, State of Virginia do certify that it appears from the records of this Court that James G. Pollard is the owner of certain property in the City of Norfolk to wit: One double brick tenement situated on Bermuda Street also one double brick tenement on the westside of Church Street No. 72 & 74.

In Testimony whereof I hereunto set my hand and and office the seal of said Court this 21st day of September 1865 in the 90th year of the Commonwealth.

Henry M. Bowden cc


Transcription Notes:
image: Seal ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-14 09:34:06