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Mrs Sallie Pierce
Applies for restoration of Property situated in Portsmouth Va 

S. O. No. 66. Par. III
dated Sept 30 1865

Bureau of R.F.& A.L. 
Office Asst Supt Norfolk Co. 
Norfolk Va 25 Sept 1865 

Respectfully forwarded.
The applicant has complied with all the requirements in the late order of Genl Howard. Papers Enclosed 
1st Proof of Title 
2nd Amnesty oath
3 Certificate that Property has not been libelled 
4" Certificate that the applicant does not come under any of the exceptions in Presidents Proclamation 

The house is rented to Mrs. Pierce but no rent has been paid since it has been in the possession of the Bureau 

Charles E. Johnston
Asst Supt 

See P87