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This Indenture made this Eighteenth day of October Eighteen hundred and fifty Three between William Warwick of the City of Norfolk of the One part, and Nathaniel Pumphrey of the said City of the other part. Witnesseth That the said William Warwick in consideration of the Sum of Twenty one Hundred and Fifty Dollars of lawful money to me paid by Nathaniel Pumphrey at or before the ensealing and delivery of the presents, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged - have bargained and sold, and do hereby bargain and sell unto the said Nathaniel Pumphrey his heirs and assignees, a certain lot or parcel of land with the appurtenances situated and being in the City aforesaid and bounded on the South, by Bute Street and bending of said Street. One hundred and eleven for or thereabouts on the East by Cretarine street and bending on said Streety Seventy four or thereabouts on the North by the Lot belonging to I A I Bradford, and on the West by the lot belonging to John Allmond, and being the same Lot of Land which was sold and conveyed to the said William Warrick by Anne Taylor by deed dated the 3rd day of June Eighteen hundred and fifty one of record in the clerks office of the Hastings Court of Norfolk City. And the said William Warrick doth hereby for himself and his heirs forever warrant and defend the said Lot of Land and aforementions onto the said Nathaniel Pomphrey his heirs and assigns agree of ale Yorks City. State or presents & freed for the alarm of said Warrick , his heirs and all persons whatsoever,. It is [[?]] unstood that said Pumphrey is not to exercise any control for the rents accruing on said property during the balance of this year as said Rents are made payable to Wm H Hunter for permanent Year. In Testimony whereof the said William Warrick hath here unto Sch his hand and affixed his seal the day month & year first above written.

[[strikethrough]] William Wasicek [[/strikethrough]] his mark {seal}
William Warrick {seal}