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Petersburg, Va. Nov. 22, 1865

Col. O. Brown
Asst. Commr. Bureau of Freedmen &c.

Your Petitioner respectfully applies for the restoration of his farm in the county of Brunswick, fully described in the accompanying Deed marked A, which is also evidence of his title thereto, which said farm  is now occupied by the officers of the Freedmen's Bureau, but has never been libelled or otherwise proceeded against by the officers of the United States. And also of his books, household and other personal furniture which was removed to this city & is now held by Capt. Barnes, Supdt. of this District - Your Petitioner files herewith the oath which he took as early as 5th May 1865, and he has since taken the oath prescribed by Presdt. Johnson & received from him a special pardon, dated Oct. 5th 1865, which has been exhibited to Capt. Barnes. 

Your Petitioner was but a Captain in the service of the States lately in Rebellion & feels assured that whilst the Leaders of that movement have had their property restored, the Govt. which has acted with so much magnanimity will not further punish so unimportant a personage as he is. He has been compelled to remain since the breaking up of the Southern armies with his mother in Vermont, and as his land & personal property have been taken from him, has no home or place to which he can go until that is restored. He has therefore been compelled to make this request through his Agt. Chas. S. Strongfellow, who files herewith his legally executed power of attorney marked B to act & give all receipts for him - By granting this petition you will enable him to return to his home & try to support the family dependent upon him. 

Very resply. Col.
Yr. Obt. svt.
Chas. H. Rhodes
By his Agt. Chas. S. Strongfellow